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Pat Breen Tennis

Tennis Clinics in Lewes, Delaware
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2025 Adult Round Robin Tennis Play Days

at Cape Henlopen High School

* Email breenpat@yahoo to be put on email list for updated information and events.

Free Round Robin Play Days at Cape Henlopen High School for adults to get together and enjoy playing in with other tennis enthusiasts. There is an active 3.0-3.8 level (Intermediate) group.  The program is run by the community players who show up and is not run by Pat Breen.

2025 Adult Round Robin: 3.0-3.8 level (Intermediate)

May 4 thru June 9: Saturdays and Sundays at 9:30-11am

June 11 thru Fall: Tues/Sat/Sun at 8:30-10am

At Canal Front Park

3.5-4.0 Round Robin play. 

May 4 thru Fall at 9:30-11am. Wednesdays.

No sign up needed. Just show up and mix in.  Courts are first come first serve at the Cape High School but there are eight courts. Free to play. 

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