Pat Breen Tennis
Tennis Clinics in Lewes, Delaware
Cape Henlopen High School Viking Tennis Camp
*Spots still available for camp. Email me at this late date.
Junior 1/2 Day Camp
June 17-June 19 (Mon, Tues, & Wed)
Kindergarten Thru 8th Grade
9am-12pm, $120
Run by CHHS Coaches Mike Roy, Pat Breen and Cape HS tennis players.
Camp Director: Pat Breen, email:
Age/Experience: The camp is available to boys and girls from Kindergarten – 8th Grade. Participants will be grouped by age and experience level. No prior tennis experience is necessary, though all players from beginner – intermediate will improve their game!
What to Bring: Arrive each day with a tennis racquet, and non-marking tennis shoes or sneakers. Participants are advised to dress appropriately for the weather and wear a hat and sunscreen. Please bring water and a light snack.
Open to all junior area players. All proceeds will go toward the Cape Boys tennis program.
Please copy/paste the be below form and return to:
Cape Henlopen School District, Att: Athletic Secretary, 1270 Kings Highway, Lewes, DE 19958
Make Checks payable to: Cape Henlopen School District, please write CHHS Boys Tennis on memo line.
Email a copy of form as well to be sure I get the form.
2024 Cape Henlopen Viking Tennis Camp
Camper Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Phone: ______________________________ Parent Email:_________________________________________
School: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Grade (As of September 1, 2024): ___________________________________________________________________
T-Shirt Size (Please Check One): YS_____YM_____YL_____AS_____AM_____AL_____
Emergency Contact: ______________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Phone Number: _________________________________________________________________
Insurance Company Name and Policy Holder:_________________________________________________________
Insurance Company Number:_______________________________________________________________________
List all medical conditions and allergies that the camp should be aware of: